Thursday, June 3, 2010

Upcoming auditions

I am so excited! There are many projects that are coming up. I just got home from an AEA theater production audition. It seems that the Shetler Studios and I have been like buddies the past few weeks. Almost weekly I've been there, whether it be for classes, seminars, meeting agents/casting directors or auditions.

This is obviously very good for me because I feel like I am actually doing something here rather than wasting away to nothing.

I also had another audition yesterday, which I am EXTREMELY stoked about because it was for a feature film. The screenplay won best screenplay for the TRIBECA film festival and with this kind of uproar it has the funding for a full length SAG feature film. I really hope I get this one because the storyline speaks to me. If I don't, it would be heartbreaking, but at the same time I wish the project well (as I do with other projects I don't get) and that I hope that the casting director or director will think of me for a future project.

I also have a tentative film shoot on Tuesday for an indie film! Can't really give away details, but it's a dark comedy that's sort of off the wall. I am excited for the production.

I also have another audition scheduled for Thursday for a short SAG film and tentatively another audition on the 20th for another indie film.

June is apparently an exciting and busy month for me and it's only just begun!

School is still in progress and in my vocal class we are actually holding a "recital" (if you will call it such) where we can strut our stuff out to the public. A showcase for the voice as some may call it.

Life is good :)