Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hello World

As the title of this excerpt states, I greet you all joyously. Things are looking up! I have had several wonderful projects come my way.

The fabulous director and writer Miss Assal Ghawami has booked me to play of the leads for her short film called "Ey Pari Kojai" where it's a dramatic short about a Persian mother and her three daughters celebrating Noruz, the Persian New Year. Rehearsals have begun and filming will start in a little over a week from now. I can truly not believe I am apart of this amazing project!

Then on Sunday I was called by producer/artist Rafe Friedman to partake in an interview for his new documentary television series dealing with ethnic backgrounds around the world that are involved in the arts. During this episode there was a singer/song writer female, pianist composer, a basketball player as well as myself. The new show is called "Shoot The Three" by Rafe Friedman and I am excited to see where this goes.

Then yesterday I had an interview with the well known boutique agent Meg Pantera where we had a grand ol' time and talked for over an hour. We talked about the business, what she does, her clientele, projects that are around, her background, my background, etcetera. I have met up with many agents and this one felt super natural. I rreeeaaallllyyyy like her. So I have to prepare a 5 minute scene to perfection and then perform it in front of her and then we can determine if we want to sign a contract or not. I'm excited though, I really like her and I know she'd work hard for me.

I just sent out some mail outs though because I am ready to try a different agent and see which one I mesh better with. I'm eager for the results :)

Until next time!